Make a Habit, Make a Change, Beating Plastics is Easier than you Think

Some of our habits revolve around the things we always carry, those objects that we can’t leave the house without. Take your mobile phone for example – where would you be without it? It’s a habit to bring it with you, and one that makes your life much easier. Most of us don’t even have to think about sticking it in our pocket before we go. It’s easy to forget that there was a time when you didn’t.

Combatting plastic is about making and breaking habits too. We could all make a huge difference to plastic pollution, improve our health and environment at the same time by making a habit of bringing just a few items with us when we leave the house.

Think of these as your essentials, your forever-aid-kit.

  1. Reusable Coffee Mug
  2. Reusable Water Bottle
  3. A couple of pieces of reusable cutlery
  4. Reusable shopping bag/tote

You can make a change by making a habit ?


Reducing Single-Use Plastics - #OneSmallThingMyNI

Unfortunately we’re all getting so used to seeing the terrible images of plastic pollution around the world, that we’re almost becoming immune to them. Even statistics that tell us how EVERYDAY approx 8 million tonnes of plastic finds its way into our oceans, have lost their ability to shock. That’s why we created #OneSmallThingMyNI to highlight some of the small everyday things you can do to reduce your use of plastic in the hope that together we can motivate and encourage others to reduce, reuse and recycle too.