Recycling Around Your Home


Some us keep a little bin in every room, matching them in with our style, relying on them to help keep everything neat and tidy. But it might be time we asked ourselves the question: what really happens to what we throw into our wastepaper baskets and other little bins?

We’re probably good at recycling in the kitchen, where we might have two or three bins set up for recycling and food waste. But what about the bathroom, the bedroom, the living room, or the office, where there’s probably only one?

Do we really separate the rubbish every time we empty it…? Or does everything get dumped into a black bin bag…?

If you eat an apple in the living room, what happens to the core…? If you finish your shampoo in the bathroom, what happens to the bottle…? If the ink runs out on your printer in the office, what happens to the cartridge…?

If there are corners of your home where recyclables are sneaking into general waste, it might be time to rethink your relationship with the wastebasket.

Problem Solved.

The good news is, thwastebasketsere is a simple solution.

Try keeping a few more wastebaskets or recycling bags around different rooms of the house.

This will help you separate your rubbish there and then with no extra fuss. Empty them regularly to stop mess and smells building up.

More bins, more wins.


Reducing Single-Use Plastics - #OneSmallThingMyNI

Unfortunately we’re all getting so used to seeing the terrible images of plastic pollution around the world, that we’re almost becoming immune to them. Even statistics that tell us how EVERYDAY approx 8 million tonnes of plastic finds its way into our oceans, have lost their ability to shock. That’s why we created #OneSmallThingMyNI to highlight some of the small everyday things you can do to reduce your use of plastic in the hope that together we can motivate and encourage others to reduce, reuse and recycle too.