4 Foods You’re Throwing Away But Shouldn’t Be

4 Foods You’re Throwing Away But Shouldn’t Be
Picture of Paula McIntyre

Paula McIntyre

35% of us in Northern Ireland admit to throwing away more food at Christmas than at other times! Chef Paula has some great ideas on how to use up 4 of the most common festive food throw-aways.

1. Freeze leftover cheese or make a great fondue

Boil 250ml dry white wine or dry cider until reduced by half, add 200ml cream, bring to the boil and add 500g grated cheeses. Stir until smooth and serve with crusty bread to dip.

2. Make delicious patties out of spare breadcrumbs

Mash leftover vegetables and mix with chopped fresh herbs then form into patties. Dip in seasoned flour, then a beaten egg and finally dip in breadcrumbs. Fry until golden and crisp and serve with mayonnaise mixed with mustard. The Italians top pasta and vegetable dishes with pangrattato – fry the crumbs in oil and garlic until golden and mix in chopped parsley.

3. Combine roasted veg with cream and nutmeg for a delicious bake

Roasted vegetables can be combined with cream and nutmeg, pressed into a baking dish, scattered with leftover cheese and baked. Lovely with leftover ham. Sprouts can be shredded, mixed with chopped roasties and mash with shredded ham and pressed into patties. Fry in oil and butter for a classic bubble and squeak.

4. Turn uneaten chicken into a tasty sandwich filler

My favourite way to use leftover chicken is coronation style with curry mayonnaise, chopped celery and dried apricots and a squeeze of lemon. I’ll have this in a sandwich made with Nutty Krust loaf.

But wait I still have some food waste...

If you have any leftovers, tea bags, bones and eggshells you can out them in your Food Caddy. Your local council will take them away and give them the chance to become something more fun, like a flower in your local park or more roast potatoes on your plate 😀

Get the Bin-Ovation App

The Bin-Ovation App is available for both Android and iOS Devices.

If your rubbish bin is overflowing with leftovers, vegetable peelings, and tea bags, why not put it on a diet? It’s easy to do. Recycling your food waste instead of putting it in the bin only takes a little effort and is an easy way to help protect the environment and save your local council money they can spend on local services.